Blogue | Aug 03

Cross-border Camping

We are so busy, that sometimes it is necessary to get away from it all. Camping is such a great way to unplug and unwind, and there’s no better time to take advantage of that than the summer months, which are chalk full of long weekends.

With all of its provincial parks, lakes, and greenery, Canada is definitely home to some of the best camping spots. But if you’re a camping enthusiast, and you’re looking for your next new camping adventure, you could try cross-border camping!

There are tonnes of national parks in the US that offer camping sites. But, make sure to check out the rules and regulations of the national park you’re planning on visiting as they change from campground to campground.

As much as we try to be organized, there’s always that last minute scramble the morning of your departure. Save yourself some of the stress and hassle and pick up drinks and snacks before you cross the border at one of our Canada Duty Free locations!

Our locations offer a variety of beverages, such as wine, liquor and beer, which are perfect for stocking the camp cooler. Another convenience we offer is currency exchange – as most campground stores accept cash more readily than plastic.

If you’re travelling with children, most of our locations also offer cold and hot snacks…and coffee and other refreshments for the driver.

So make sure you take advantage of the beautiful warm weather and those long weekends, and maybe take a trip to the US for some cross-border camping trips! Make sure you check out the Canada Duty Free locations before you go, and stop by and visit us, we would love to see you.

Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page at, and let us know what US national parks or campgrounds you visited this summer!

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