Not everybody admits it, but almost everyone makes some kind of new resolution at the beginning of the New Year. Did you know that people that make a specific resolution are ten times more likely to achieve their goal?
Well here’s a specific resolution that’s easy to keep! Resolve to stop in at your Duty Free as you cross into the U.S. so you can do better at the border!
Here’s your game plan: There’s no limit to how much fun you can have hunting for bargains when you cross the border, but that said, there is a limit on Tobacco, Alcohol and Gifts. Duty Free Allowances
You can bring 1.0 L of your favourite alcohol with you to the U.S. You can also bring 200 cigarettes and 50 cigars. All the details are easily found here on our website. Take a minute to learn about traveling to and from the United States including exactly how much tax or duty you’ll have to pay in case you have too much fun; you’ll be well on your way to keeping your resolution to do better at the border.