Do you like discovering places where few have ventured or going back to what you already know? Do you like going with the flow or insist on getting the service you deserve?
The winner of the Duty Free Shopping Spree competition, Kristen Duever of London Ontario, is adventurous and relaxed. She likes discovering new places and going with the flow; “whatever happens,happens.”
Kristen was similar to most of the entrants. 44% said they “like discovering places where few have ventured”. However nearly as many at 38% said they prefer popular destinations. Only 18% indicated that they “like going back to places they know.”
Do you think most travelers are demanding or do they just try and fit in? Nearly half go with the flow and 35% try to fit in. Only 17% or about one in six travelers “insist on getting the service they deserve.”
Most females, 81%, said they were more like a “cool chick” rather than “uber feminine”. And most guys thought they were “cool”. Only 15% selected “tough guy”.
Here are some of the profiles along with some selected captions:
14% of females are cool chicks who like visiting popular destinations and who go with the flow.
17% of males are cool guys who like discovering new places and who go with the flow.
3% of females are uber-feminine who like visiting new places and go with the flow.
6% of males are cool guys who prefer popular destinations and insist on getting the service they deserve.
Every category of traveler we meet loves getting their money’s worth. If you are traveling south across the land border you can save tax and duty by stopping in at the Duty Free store. Use the tax savings checker here to see how much you save.
Kristen, the contest winner is planning some “48s”. Find out what she means and how you can also adhere to customs allowances and save money.