Blogue | May 30

Welcome back the warm weather

Spring is finally here, and before you know it – it will be summer! Nothing should keep you from enjoying the sunshine filled days and the warm nights. Here are a few things that are designed for welcoming back the warm weather:


While we’ve all donned our snow boots and parkas in the -20° weather to throw a few steaks on the grill, barbequing is definitely a dish best served hot. Take advantage of not having to rush to get out of the cold – marinade your meats and after you get the grill fired up, cook them on a lower heat to ensure they don’t dry out. While you’re grilling, make sure you have a nice cold beverage in your hand. We suggest the Canadian Maple Leaf – 2 oz. whisky, 1 oz. maple syrup, and a squeeze of half a lemon – refreshing and Canadian!


Nothing says that summer is on its way more than a patio being set up after the long, cold winter. So grab your friends and find the nearest patio on the sunniest day. Or better yet, prep your own patio! Take a weekend to bring life back into your outdoor oasis, and have a place for entertaining and some well-deserved R&R.

Road trips:

With all the long weekends that the summer season has to offer, this is definitely the time to take advantage of those long summer days and extra days off. Why not hop in your car with friends or family and explore a new place? While on the road, don’t forget that you can stop and purchase items at any of our Canada Duty Free locations upon crossing the border. Also, make sure that you check the duty free allowances based on how long you’re south of the border.

Hopefully you enjoy every item on this list to welcome back the warm weather. Let us know some of the other things you do to welcome back the warm weather, and be sure to check out our Facebook page here:

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